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Approved council motions 2023/24

Council meeting 22 February 2024

Proposer: Councillor Giles Seconder: Councillor Kantor

Lead officer: Deputy Chief Executive – Transformation and Operations

Council notes:

  • South Oxfordshire is a welcoming place for all, including people seeking sanctuary.
  • The council is committed to playing its part in supporting people displaced by war and persecution of any background, evidenced by the key role officers and councillors play in coordinating and delivering support in Oxfordshire for people from across the various government schemes.
  • South Oxfordshire is home to around 400 Ukrainian refugees who have arrived under the Home for Ukraine, Family and the Ukraine Extension schemes.
  • These schemes are temporary for 3 years, sit outside immigration rules, and do not provide a route to settlement.
  • Russia’s war on Ukraine sadly continues and people’s ability to return remains uncertain.
  • Thousands of temporary visas are set to expire in 2025 which is already causing problems in terms of securing employment and tenancies. Ukrainian refugees are also unable to plan for the future of their children in terms of education and other commitments, significantly impeding their quality of life and future prospects.
  • On Monday 19 February 2024, via a written ministerial statement various changes to Ukrainian schemes were announced including:
    • an 18 month extension for current visa holders which they will be able apply for within three months of the end of their three year leave
    • The closure of the vital Ukraine family scheme
    • And that with immediate effect new arrivals under HfU would only be able to stay in the UK for 18 months, instead of three years

Council Believes that:

  • Government needs to urgently remove uncertainty around Ukrainian’s ability to make the UK their home
  • Ukrainians that come to the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme, Homes for Ukraine, and Ukraine Extension scheme should be able extend their stay and apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (in line with other refugee schemes) with minimum cost and bureaucratic burden on families, hosts and support agencies.

Council resolves to:

  1. Ask the leader of South Oxfordshire District Council to write to the Minister of State for Immigration to request that Ukrainian refugees are provided with a route to settlement.
  2. Make information accessible to Ukrainian refugees who are considering their options on the services and support available, and signpost to appropriate (legal) advice.
  3. Continue to collaborate with Oxfordshire councils, statutory and voluntary sector partners in the development of a strategic approach for supporting people seeking sanctuary from any background which is coherent, effective, and compassionate.

Update: lead officers informed

Council meeting 14 December 2023

Proposer: Councillor Casey-Rerhaye Seconder: Councillor Kantor

This Council:

  • Expresses deep sympathy for all those affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine. To those in the South Oxfordshire area who have been affected by this conflict we offer our support in this very difficult time
  • Hopes for an immediate further release of all hostages and an end to the violence
  • Believes Muslims, Jews and people of all faiths and none should feel safe and supported throughout the world and unreservedly condemns the increase in antisemitic and Islamophobic violence and abuse in the UK.

Council resolves to:

  1. offer appropriate support to any local resident who needs our assistance as a result of these horrific, violent events.
  2. stand ready to participate in any government re-settlement scheme and open our arms to innocent people displaced and affected by these events.
  3. condemn the use of all dehumanising language and calls on our communities to treat each other with respect and good will and refrain from inflammatory terms to describe either the Palestinian or Israeli populations, especially in a time of crisis.

Update: Deputy chief executives for place and transformation and operations notified and shared with senior management colleagues.

Council meeting 12 October 2023

Proposer: Councillor Giles Seconder: Councillor Van Mierlo

Lead officer: Head of Policy & Programmes

Council resolves to:

  1. Ask CEEAC to consider the impact of the UK Government’s u-turn on net zero on the council and district, and to review the 2025 and 2030 net zero ambitions and the climate action plan during the process of reviewing the CAP and in the production of the next Climate and Nature Recovery Action Plan in 2024, and to make recommendations to Cabinet in this regard. 
  2. Ask the Leader to write to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, requesting a regulatory impact assessment of the outcome of their policy changes, and to seek an assurance and rationale for how they consider these policy changes to be compliant with their statutory obligations to meet current and future carbon budgets. 

Update: Lead officers informed

Council meeting 12 October 2023

Proposer: Councillor Robb Seconder: Councillor Filipova-Rivers

Lead officer: Chief Executive and People & Culture Manager

Council asks:

  1. The Chief Executive to continue to engage with Unison, as the Council’s recognised trade union, to ensure that this position is maintained going forward in respect of all employees. 
  2. The Chief Executive to prepare a report for Cabinet, outlining the steps that are required for our Council to secure accreditation as a Real Living Wage accredited employer. 
  3. The Chief Executive to include, within this report, proposals to implement a requirement on all future contracted providers to pay at least the Real Living Wage to all their staff throughout the duration of the contract, identifying any likely costs associated with this. 
  4. Cabinet to consider the report when prepared and, should its recommendations be approved by both South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse, authorise the Chief Executive to work with colleagues to implement its recommendations as soon as practicable. 5. The Chief Executive to bring to the attention of all existing third parties who currently provide services directly on behalf of the Council, our view that all employers should, as a minimum, pay the Real Living Wage to their staff and seek an update on their companies’ position in relation to this matter. 6. The Chief Executive to update Council on progress towards its Accreditation as a Real Living Wage Employer when the next Annual Pay Policy Statement is brought before it. 

Update: Initial contact made with Living Wage Foundation to arrange a meeting to discuss next steps to achieving accreditation.

Council meeting 29 August 2023

Proposer: Councillor Rouane Seconder: Councillor Bennett

Lead officer: Deputy Chief Executives and Head of Planning

Council resolves to:

  1. Note the content of the report of the head of policy and programmes to the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 29 August 2023
  2. Note the importance of local decision making
  3. Request that the Leader write to the Secretary of State to raise the importance of the swift determination of the HIF1 planning application made by Oxfordshire County Council
  4. Welcome that officers will formally request that South Oxfordshire District Council is made party to the inquiry and that the council’s views are properly represented, in particular: a) The importance of infrastructure funded by HIF1 to the delivery of housing and economic sites allocated in the adopted Local Plan 2035. b) South Oxfordshire’s target of becoming a net zero district by 2030. c) The need for high quality design throughout, as set out in the Design Guide and the Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan. d) Minimising harmful impact of any scheme on our natural and historic landscape, including the River Thames, and maximising biodiversity. e) Respecting the views of affected communities including both Didcot and the surrounding villages. 

Update: Letter sent to the Secretary of State on 6 September 2023. A copy of the letter can be found here. The Council will be a Rule 6 party at the planning inquiry.

Council meeting 16 July 2023

Proposer: Councillor Powell Seconder: Councillor Van Mierlo

Lead officer: Head of Development and Corporate Landlord

Council asks:

the leader to write to the Environment Agency to:  

  1. Seek information and assurances regarding the safety of footbridges along the Thames in South Oxfordshire and assurances that the bridges that are closed will be repaired and reopened as a matter of upmost urgency recognising the importance of a safe and accessible Thames Path to our residents and visitors; 
  2. Find out about the state of pump-out stations along the length of the River Thames in South Oxfordshire and what contingencies are in place for when a pump-out station is out of repair; 
  3. Ask the EA for assurances regarding the maintenance of pump-out stations to ensure our river is not further degraded with untreated sewage and boat waste.

Council also asks the leader to write to the Secretary of State to raise the above concerns and ask that funding for the Environment Agency is increased to allow it to properly perform its functions and maintain its assets appropriately. 

Update: Letter sent to the Environment Agency.