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Berinsfield Garden Village grant scheme

The grant scheme is now closed. The scheme closed for applications at noon 17 June 2022

The aim of the Berinsfield grant scheme is to fund community projects, services and initiatives to support community partners in delivering the best outcomes for Berinsfield residents as well as contributing to our Corporate plan 2022 – 2024.

We strongly recommend that you read the policy above on what projects/services/activities are covered under this scheme.

Need help to complete your application?

How much is available and what for?

Our funding favours organisations who are actively exploring partnership/joint working with other voluntary organisations, businesses or the public sector, and who want to invest in becoming more secure and resilient to have a greater impact in Berinsfield.

Applications should focus on projects/services/activities that take place in Berinsfield and deliver a clear and demonstrable benefit to the people and environment of Berinsfield, as well as contributing to the achievement of our Corporate Plan priorities.

Once you have read through the policy, and are still unsure if you have all the required documents to apply, you can read through our handy, ‘are you ready for funding’ document‘ or contact the team directly with any questions.

Revenue funding

This fund runs for a maximum of five years to support services and activities that your organisation provides, such as staff salaries, utilities bills or training more volunteers. Please take a look at some more examples of what services we will consider supporting in our funding guidelines.

For revenue grant applications, we can fund a minimum of £500 up to £25,000 per annum (up to £125,000 over five years). We will limit awards to a maximum of 50 per cent of an organisation’s total annual running costs in any financial year.

Capital funding

This fund can go towards a specific capital project and any associated revenue costs. You could use it to purchase equipment, make improvements to your building, or use this grant to invest in renewable/sustainable technologies to contribute our Climate action plan.

For capital grant applications, we can fund a minimum of £5,000 to a maximum of £60,000 per project.

Application for the Berinsfield Grant Scheme

We will favour organisations who are actively exploring partnership/joint working with other voluntary organisations, businesses or the public sector, and who want to invest in becoming more secure and resilient to have a greater impact in Berinsfield.

Who can apply?

  • Any constituted local not-for-profit organisation delivering services that will benefit the residents of Berinsfield. Local is defined by being based in Oxfordshire, preferably in Berinsfield itself. We would encourage collaboration with Berinsfield organisations so that, where an application is successful, the grant will be paid directly to the Berinsfield organisation
  • Berinsfield Parish Council
  • Collaborations between Berinsfield Parish Council and other local un-constituted groups
  • Not-for-profit preschools and PTAs for local authority run schools or academies can apply for non-statutory elements of the education programme
  • Local not-for-profit organisations, which can include companies limited by guarantee which do not distribute any surplus funds to its members, and whose primary purpose is to benefit the residents of Berinsfield

Who isn’t eligible

  • Other local authorities/public sector bodies (for example Oxfordshire County Council, NHS trusts) Please note: Berinsfield Parish Council is eligible to apply
  • Organisations that are funded by public sector/statutory bodies
  • Groups who raise funds on behalf of or will improve/create facilities that will predominately benefit an ineligible organisation
  • Individuals (this includes making any payments to individuals on behalf of community groups)
  • Profit-based businesses (private businesses)
  • Political and lobbying groups
  • Organisations who operate a grant scheme of their own or who budget for giving grants/donations in their annual budget. Please note: Berinsfield Parish Council is eligible to apply
  • Nationwide organisations (except where they have a local constitution and/or local bank account but at its sole discretion, the council may make exceptions if a project clearly relates to a local hub/branch of the organisation)


The council is committed to promoting equality and diversity and welcomes applications from all sectors of the community, regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, status, religion or belief.

Get in touch

After reviewing our funding guidance, we encourage applicants to contact the Berinsfield Garden Village team on if you have any questions about the scheme and whether your project/services/activities would be eligible.