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Committee on climate to discuss ideas for future plans for South Oxfordshire District Council

Released on June 21, 2020

A committee in South Oxfordshire that considers and advises on actions to address the Climate Emergency will be considering some proposals that could form part of the district council’s long-term plans.

South Oxfordshire District Council will produce a new Corporate Plan over the summer to direct the council’s work until 2024, and the Cabinet’s developing ideas on themes and illustrative projects for the plan will be considered by the council’s Climate Emergency Advisory Committee on Monday 29 June.

Addressing the Climate Emergency features strongly as a priority that cuts across many of the developing ideas, and the climate committee will provide any recommendations around the climate emergency for the council’s Cabinet to consider as it develops the Corporate Plan.

Cllr Sue Cooper, Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “It’s important we hear the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee’s thoughts and recommendations on how we should develop our thinking around the new Corporate Plan to ensure any decisions we make on the council’s direction have the Climate Emergency at their heart.”

Cllr Andrea Powell, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, said: “The greatest challenge we face as a society is the Climate Emergency and our ability to adapt our lives and our behaviours to ensure a safe and resilient future. While statements and targets are welcome, the challenge for our district is to take action, transform our operations and inspire our residents and businesses to do the same.”

As well as action on the climate emergency, other developing ideas for the Corporate Plan that feature in the presentation that will be seen by the climate committee include proposed themes around:

  • sustainable new homes and infrastructure that meet local needs
  • improved economic and community wellbeing
  • investment and innovation that rebuilds the council’s financial viability
  • openness and accountability
  • protecting and restoring our natural world.

The council’s Cabinet will be discussing ideas around the new Corporate Plan in July when it will also consider any recommendations from the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee. The public will then have a chance to give their thoughts on proposals for the Corporate Plan.