Wallingford and Henley looking to secure bathing water status
Organisations across South Oxfordshire are planning to apply for bathing water status on the River Thames at Wallingford and Henley, which, if awarded, should result in a safer, less polluted environment for swimmers, river users and wildlife.
In Wallingford, South Oxfordshire District Council is aiming to work with Wallingford Town Council to make a joint application to the government department responsible for granting bathing water status – the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). It is also supporting a bid for bathing water status being made by Henley Town Council. Both applications will be supported by environmental charity Thames21.
Thames21 will use data gathered from the 2023 bathing season in the applications. This will include the numbers of those using the river as well as water samples taken by Thames21 and local trained volunteers.
Thames21 plan to publicise the water quality data on an online story map on their website during the bathing season.
If bathing water status is awarded, Thames Water would be legally required to treat waste outflows to a much higher standard, meaning they could not release water into the river without ensuring the removal of bacteria which is harmful to the health of people and wildlife.
It would also mean that during the bathing season, from May to September each year, the Environment Agency would be required to monitor the water quality and publicise the results.
South Oxfordshire District Council and Wallingford Town Council applied for bathing water status at Wallingford Beach in November 2022, supported by Thames21 but that application was turned down. In a letter to councillors, the Minister for environmental quality and resilience, explained that the Wallingford application was rejected because too few bathers use the area.
Cllr Freddie Van Mierlo, South Oxfordshire District Council Cabinet member for climate change and nature recovery, said: “It was extremely disappointing that the Secretary of State for Environment rejected the application for bathing water status at Wallingford last year, despite strong local support and work by South Oxfordshire District Council. The idea that Wallingford Beach should be rejected because it is not being used enough is perverse logic.
“There will be more bathers when there is confidence in the water quality. The suggestion from Defra appears to be that something will only be done if swimmers are willing to brave dirty water first.
“If the government is unwilling to support cleaner waters in South Oxfordshire, the council will move ahead towards that goal, working with Thames21 and our council partners.”
Sheridan Jacklin-Edward, Henley Town Council town clerk, said: “A clean River Thames is essential to Henley, for its wildlife, swimmers, and other river users. Henley Town Council is keen to see the water quality improve and is grateful for the support from Thames21 and South Oxfordshire District Council in campaigning with us for change.”
Cllr. Daniel Beauchamp, Mayor of Wallingford, said: “”The topic of our waterways and the concerns surrounding their cleanliness are rarely far from people’s minds at the moment. While a successful application may not fix everything it will be a useful tool to legally bind Thames Water to improve the quality of the water, to apply pressure on Thames Water to improve things further and also to provide relevant information to river users to make an informed decision on how or if they should be in the water.”
Stephen Haywood, Rural Solutions Programme Manager at Thames21, said “The River Thames at Wallingford and Henley-on-Thames are both very popular sites with thousands of people entering the water to swim, paddle, bathe, and race who are completely unaware of the water quality.
“If we can demonstrate to Defra the high popularity and demand by the community, we have greater chances of being awarded the designation and driving the improvements required to make is safer and healthier for all.”