‘Everyone Active’ grant scheme now open to help people get fit
A new round of the Everyone Active grant scheme has launched today.
The grant scheme, run by South Oxfordshire District Council, aims to help fund projects that help communities become more active and sustain activity.
Previous recipients include Oxford Conservation Volunteers and Benson United Football Club – who were both awarded grant funding last year and are using the grant to improve health and wellbeing in local communities with the offer of new fitness activities and opportunities for local people.
Thomas Bulford at Oxford Conservation Volunteers said: “We’ve been able to replace various worn tools and also buy two ‘Lazy Dogs’ – these tools are essential to our nature conservation work in South Oxfordshire. We’ve seen excellent participation from our long list of volunteers. Nature conservation work is of undoubted benefit to the physical and mental health of our volunteers, with the latter gaining increasing recognition.”
Trevor Simpson from Benson United Football Club said: “The new equipment has allowed over 25 under six-year old children from Benson and the surrounding villages to improve their overall fitness and football skills.”
“They’ve bonded as a team and enjoy training with each other and playing other Oxfordshire teams in friendly matches. Thanks to the grant, they’re ready for summer football tournaments and in a great position to enter the Oxfordshire U7 football league in September.”
New funding round now open
South Oxfordshire District Council is providing £50,000 in funding for community organisations to apply for, with a maximum grant of £1,000.
Applicants will need to show that their projects will help communities to become more active or sustain activity.
More information about the grant scheme can be found on our website southoxon.gov.uk/grants or organisations can contact the council’s Community Enablement team on 01235 422405 or grants@southandvale.gov.uk.
The closing date for applications is midday 22 July 2024
Funding advice session
We are holding a funding advice session at Cornerstone Arts Centre in Didcot on Thursday 20 June from 1pm-5pm. If you have a project you’d like to discuss, have any questions about eligibility or the application process for this scheme or our other upcoming grant schemes, you can book a face-to-face meeting with us. If you are unable to attend in person, we can arrange a phone call, or Teams chat on an alternative day. Email us at grants@southandvale.gov.uk or call us 01235 422405.
Everyone Active grant scheme rules include:
- Projects should provide benefit to more than one person becoming active or supporting ongoing activity to groups of residents in South Oxfordshire
- The maximum grant you can apply for is £1,000
- You can apply for revenue costs or capital items, with a maximum total project cost of £5,000.
- You can request 100 per cent of your project costs
- The project must complete within 12 months of the award decision
- We will accept one application only from each individual or organisation
The grant is open for a wide range of groups and organisations in the district, not-for-profit groups (including sports clubs), town and parish councils and parish meetings, not for profit preschools, Parent Teacher Association’s (PTAs) and other local authority run schools or academies for non-statutory elements of the education programme.
The funding can be used in a variety of ways including:
- Buying new leisure or playground equipment
- Projects to introduce or improve physical activity
- Activities that address the issues of rural deprivation
- Projects that help protect the health of local waterways, lakes, and rivers
- Projects that promote nature recovery and access to green spaces for health and wellbeing
- Running training courses for volunteers or staff to help improve physical and mental wellbeing
- Setting up a community garden to share the physical and health benefits of growing fruit and vegetables
More examples can be found in the policy and previously funded projects are on the website.