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Local elections 2023 – voter ID statistics

The 2023 local elections on Thursday 4 May marked the first time that voters in the UK were required to show photo ID in order to cast their ballot at a polling station.

The following data shows the number of people who brought the required photo ID with them on polling day:

  • 96,179 people were eligible to vote in person at a polling station in South Oxfordshire (out of a total electorate of 105,722 people).
  • 31.7 per cent of those eligible to do so (30,444 people), voted at a polling station on 4 May.
  • 99.96 per cent* of those who attended a polling station on 4 May had the correct ID with them and were therefore able to vote.
  • 96 people, or 0.3 per cent of those eligible to vote at a polling station, were not initially issued with a ballot paper because they did not have the correct photo ID. Of those people, 84 returned with accepted photo ID and were then able to vote.
  • By the close of poll, 12 people were not able to vote because they did not have the accepted photo ID. This was 0.04 per cent of those eligible to vote at a polling station in this election.

*on nationally reported statistics it is expected that figures will be rounded up / down to the nearest 0.1 per cent, therefore you may see this figure published elsewhere as 100 per cent.

Contact us - Electoral services

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE