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Have your say on proposed changes to off-street parking in South Oxfordshire

People in South Oxfordshire are encouraged to give their views on some proposed changes to parking arrangements in the district council’s off street car parks. 

Over the summer the South Oxfordshire District Council’s Cabinet agreed to amend the district’s parking policy, including changes to charging periods to ensure all towns are treated equally, and measures designed to encourage the use of electric vehicles in order help tackle the climate emergency by reducing emissions. 

The council is now giving people the chance to have their say before the new parking policy is finalised in early 2021. The council will also seek comments from statutory consultees such as the Police, the highways authority and town and parish councils. 

The following changes are being proposed: 

  • Standard charging periods and times (9am-5pm) to be adopted in all town centre car parks across the districts, including an hour’s free parking available at any time during that period, this ensures that those in Henley receive the same benefit as the other towns 
  • Charges for Sunday parking to apply for all car parks, not just in some locations 
  • A maximum stay of two hours to be introduced at the High Street car park in Chinnor to help reduce congestion 
  • Half price permits for electric vehicles (capable of travelling 20 miles on zero CO2) 
  • Additional parking for electric vehicles and powers to issue fines for parking non-electric vehicles in electric charging bays, or for leaving an electric vehicle in the bay when it’s not charging 

To find about more about the proposals and to take part in the consultation please visit  The consultation is open until Thursday 19 November. 

Cllr David Rouane, Cabinet Member for Housing and Environment at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “We encourage people have their say on the proposals we are putting forward for how we operate our car parks.  These include changes introducing a Sunday parking fee aimed at improving the availability of parking spaces for shoppers, bringing more people to our town centre shops and cafes. Even with these proposals our parking charges remain low compared to many other areas. 

“We are also putting forward measures that will help reduce vehicle emission by making electrical charging bays more widely available and ensuring it’s cheaper to park electric vehicles.  We hope that by doing this more people will be encouraged to move away from petrol and diesel vehicles.”