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South Oxfordshire Local Plan examination reaches fourth and final week

Released on August 3, 2020

The public examination of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan enters its fourth and final week this week with discussions set to focus mostly on the district’s three market towns and Didcot Garden Town.

On Tuesday 4 August proceedings will start by looking at Henley on Thames, with the remaining time that morning for matters relating to a potential by-pass for Watlington.  In the afternoon the discussion will focus on Thame. 

Wednesday morning is set aside to consider Wallingford, with the afternoon allocated to look at the final settlement to be considered during the examination, Didcot Garden Town.  Thursday 6 August is reserved for any matters remaining, the public examination will then draw to a close on the Friday after the Inspector has made any final announcements.

Cllr Anne-Marie Simpson, Cabinet Member for Planning at South Oxfordshire District Council said: “Last week we saw hundreds of people logging on to view the live feed for the discussions on the strategic sites.  We’d like to thank everyone who has tuned in so far and we expect similar numbers this week as examination turns to consider our three market towns, Didcot Garden Town and the potential Watlington by-pass.”

The South Oxfordshire examination is led by an independent Inspector, appointed by the Secretary of State, and is the first in the country to be carried out online by the Planning Inspectorate following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Local Plan will play a big role in the future of the district by helping to determine the growth of the area, including where new housing and employment developments can go.

The programme for Week Four is as follows:

Tuesday 4 August:

  • 10am – Matter 17: Henley on Thames
  • 11.45am – Matter 7B: A Bypass for Watlington
  • 2pm – Matter 18: Thame

Wednesday 5 August:

  • 10am – Matter 19: Wallingford
  • 2pm – Matter 10: STRAT3: Didcot Garden Town;

Thursday 6 August:

  • Reserve day

Friday 7 August

  • 10am – Inspector’s announcements and requirements; CLOSE

Watch the proceedings live

You can view the live feed online by visiting the examination hearing’s YouTube page.

The examination is scheduled to last four weeks.  Once the Hearings have concluded, the Inspector may suggest changes for consultation prior to producing an Inspector’s Report later this year on how to finalise the local plan, before it is brought to councillors for a decision on adoption.

For further information please visit –

What’s happened so far – hundreds tune in for Week Three:

Matters discussed during Week Three (28-31 July) focussed on the district’s strategic sites.  This week drew the most interest so far to the live online proceedings – over 740 people tuned in on Tuesday for the discussions on Chalgrove Airfield, and then almost 1,000 logged in the following day for the discussions around Culham and Grenoble Road.  Contributors invited to speak during the week included 88 organisations, public bodies and individuals.

Matters discussed during Week Two (21-24 July) included: Spatial Strategy, Green Belt, Infrastructure, Climate change mitigation and Employment development.  Contributors invited to speak included 72 organisations, public bodies and individuals.

Matters discussed during Week One (14-17 July) covered: Housing requirement, Housing trajectory and housing supply, Housing for everyone, and Design and Density.  Contributors invited to speak included 56 organisations, public bodies and individuals.