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South Oxfordshire Local Plan – your chance to comment on the Proposed Main Modifications

Released on September 21, 2020

Councillors in South Oxfordshire are urging residents, communities, local businesses and organisations to have their say on a number of changes proposed by the Planning Inspector to the emerging South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035.

The emerging Local Plan is currently being progressed to adoption under a Direction from the Secretary of State. The Plan and its supporting studies set out the future for development in South Oxfordshire up to 2035. Together they identify locations for housing, retail and employment land as well as the infrastructure required to support this growth.  The policies in the plan will be used as the starting point to help make decisions on planning applications in the district.

The emerging Plan is currently at the Examination stage. Following recent examination hearings, the Planning Inspector has now asked South Oxfordshire District Council to prepare a ‘Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications’ to the plan.  The schedule reflects the modifications, or changes, that the Inspector considers necessary to make the plan sound before it can move to the adoption stage. These are the only significant changes that can be made to the plan now.

To give people a chance to have their say on the Modifications, South Oxfordshire District Council is carrying out a six-week consultation which runs until Monday 2 November.

To view and have your say on the Proposed Main Modifications and supporting documents please visit

Cllr Anne-Marie Simpson, Cabinet Member for Planning at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “Some of the proposed changes may impact your local area so I would urge people from across South Oxfordshire to look at the documents and to submit their comments.”

The consultation documents are also available at the public locations listed below. Before travelling, please check their opening times and check any Covid-19 and social distancing arrangements they have in place. Note that the availability of these documents at these locations might change in response to the ongoing pandemic.

The consultation documents are also available at the district council offices on Milton Park on an appointment-only basis as the offices are currently closed to the public. Please contact us on 01235 422600 or email to book an appointment or if you need support to access the consultation materials.

If you wish to submit your comments by post please download comment form from our website or collect it from one of the locations listed above (please note any special arrangements in place when planning to visit these locations) and post it to Planning Policy, SODC, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB

If you or anyone you know does not have access to the internet or needs support to access the consultation materials please call us on 01235 422600 or email and our team will be happy to help.