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Budget 2022/23

The Council approved its budget and district council tax for 2022/23 at the council meeting on 17 February 2022 and decided to raise the district council tax by £5 (3.8%).  You can view the budget report together with the appendices by clicking on the links below.

Revenue Budget 2022/23 and Capital Programme to 2026/27

Appendix A.1 Revenue Budget Summary

Appendix A.2 Opening Budget Adjustments

Appendix A.3 Inflation and Salary Changes

Appendix A.4 Essential Growth

Appendix A.5 Base Budget Savings

Appendix B.1 Revenue Growth

Appendix B.2 Revenue Savings

Appendix C Service Budget Analysis

Appendix D.1 Capital Programme to 2027

Appendix D.2 Capital Growth

Appendix D.3 Capital growth Externally Funded

Appendix E Prudential Indicators

Appendix F Medium Term Financial Plan

Contact us - Finance - general queries

01235 422413
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE