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Live consultations

You can get involved and have your say by taking part in the live consultations and engagement surveys below.

If you require a survey in an alternative format (for example large print, Braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages) please email or call 01235 422425.

Thame Neighbourhood Plan Review: Submission Consultation

Thursday 13 June to 11.59pm on Thursday 25 July.

Thame Town Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan Review which has recently been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council.

We are inviting your comments on the plan and supporting documents during a publicity period running from Thursday, 13 June to 11.59pm on Thursday, 25 July. You can get involved and have your say by visiting the Thame Neighbourhood Plan Page.

Click here to take part in the consultation.

Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan Review: Submission Consultation

Thursday 13 June to 11.59pm on Thursday 25 July.

Wallingford Town Council is working on a Neighbourhood Plan Review which has recently been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council.

We are inviting your comments on the plan and supporting documents during a publicity period running from Thursday 13 June to 11.59pm on Thursday 25 July. You can get involved and have your say by visiting the Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan Page.

Click here to take part in the consultation.

Register your interest in council consultations 

You can get involved and have your say by registering on our consultation database of contacts that we use for engaging and consulting local communities on a variety of matters, from helping us to prepare a new council website to being formally consulted on new policies or plans.

If you want to receive notifications and updates of future council consultations, please register your details  with us.

If you change your mind and do not wish to receive updates from us, please click here. Please note, we may still need to contact you for certain consultations if we have a legal obligation to do so.

Other consultations

The following are important consultations you may wish to take part in which are being administered by other public bodies or organisations:

No consultations currently live.

Contact us - Consultations

01235 422425
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE