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What is a Chair of the council?

The Chair is an annual non-political role, elected by our councillors, for someone to chair our official council meetings. 

You can find out more about our current Chair on our website.

As part of their role, each Chair attends public occasions such as Remembrance Sunday services, opening of new community buildings and royal visits to the area.  They are also invited by other Chairs and town Mayors to their events.

Chairs get involved in the local community and can be invited to come along to other events happening in the district.  If you’re holding an official opening of a new play area or community centre, opening a new charity or premises, putting on a local drama production or holding an awards ceremony for business or education – you can invite our Chair along.

Chairs help celebrate personal success or milestones, so if you or a member of your family has received an award from the King or is celebrating a diamond wedding anniversary or 100th birthday, please let us know the details and our Chair will send a card of congratulations. 

You can invite our Chair to your event or tell us about an achievement by contacting our Chair’s PA on the contact details below.

Contact us - Chair of the Council

01235 422082
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE