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Capital Grant Scheme 2024/25 – open

This scheme closes for applications midday Monday 2 September 2024.

Are you a voluntary or community organisation looking for funding towards capital projects that help to build thriving communities and improve the quality of life for the residents in the district?

If so, we are keen to fund projects that; improve economic and community well-being, provide infrastructure that meets local need, that protect and restore our natural world; and take action on the climate emergency.

How much is available and what can it be used for?

We have a total budget available of £320,000 to award for capital projects that take place in the district or within a three-mile radius of the district boundary. You can request a minimum of £5,000 and a maximum of £75,000 but no more than 50 per cent of your total project cost. Your total project cost must be at least £10,000 but no set maximum cost.

Applications should focus on projects that benefit significant numbers of South Oxfordshire residents, or that that will improve outcomes for disadvantaged groups and contribute towards at least one of the council Corporate Plan priorities 2020-2024 (please see the related links on this page to find out more).

Please read our short guide for help identifying capital expenditure for community grant purposes and our latest policy and FAQs, which you access and download below.

For ideas of what previous grants have funded, please refer to our list of grants awarded.

We have put together a useful checklist to help you prepare your application.

There is one round of funding and applications will be scored once. All eligible applicants will be invited to the Community Grants Panel in December 2024 to present their project. Funding decisions are expected to be made by the end of February 2025.

We are unable to accept requests to amend applications once they have been submitted, however we must be informed of any changes to project costs and financial contributions.

Who can apply?

  • Town and Parish Councils
  • Non-profit businesses and Community Interest Companies
  • Community based organisations

Who isn’t eligible?

  • Other local authorities/public sector bodies (for example Oxfordshire County Council, NHS trusts)
  • Groups who raise funds on behalf of or will improve/create facilities that will predominately benefit an ineligible organisation (for example PTA’s delivering projects to benefit their school)
  • Projects that usually fall to other public sector/statutory bodies to provide, or will primarily benefit organisations under their remit
  • Individuals (this includes making any payments to individuals on behalf of community groups)
  • Profit-based businesses


The council is committed to promoting equality and diversity and welcomes applications from organisations representing minority or vulnerable groups. We encourage all applicants to make their projects as inclusive and accessible to all as possible.

If you need any of our documents in a different format please email

Get in touch

We would welcome any questions about the scheme and we are happy to hold a one-to-one meeting to discuss whether you, your organisation or the project are eligible, so please do drop us an email at

Contact us - Community grants

01235 422405
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE