Affordable housing
Affordable housing sits within our housing and environment team’s work.
Our affordable housing team is responsible for:
- Ensuring the provision of affordable housing is delivered in line with our Housing Delivery Strategy.
- Investigating local and regional housing needs.
- Engaging with a range of stakeholders about their housing plans
- Working with developers to promote opportunities for new affordable housing
- Calculating the housing tenure mix for new developments and any subsequent commuted sums.
- Dealing with grant funding applications
- Working with Community Land Trusts and other housing providers
Guidance for Developments can be found by following the link below, this includes our Affordable Housing Guidance and Grant Application guide for 106 Commuted Sums.
If you are looking for affordable housing, there are various options available to you. Please see our page on affordable homes, including details for Older Persons Accommodation.
Please email us on AffordableHousingTeam@southandvale.gov.uk if you have any additional queries.
Useful links
See our policy on affordable homes in our district in Policy H9 of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan. Further guidance on building standards can be found in Policy H11.
The government defines affordable housing in Annex 2 of their National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).