Homes for Ukraine
In 2022 the government launched a sponsorship scheme for residents wanting to offer accommodation to Ukrainian refugees.
Since that time, many sponsors (hosts) in the district have generously opened their homes to guests.
Next steps
As the initial six-month period of hosting draws to an end, there are a number of options available for guests and hosts:
- Guests can continue to stay at host accommodation under the current Homes for Ukraine scheme with an increase in the payment for hosts – for more information, see our web page on Support for Ukraine.
- Guests can look to move to private accommodation – for more information, see our web page on renting a property or room.
- Hosts can formalise a tenancy/lodging arrangement, this could include making their properties HMOs (houses of multiple occupancy) – see our web page on information for landlords.
You may also be able to join our housing register, see this page on our website for more information or contact our housing team.
If you are currently under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, some financial support may be available to help you transition from hosted to independent accommodation. The type and level of support depends upon your circumstances.
If you need further advice, then please contact our housing needs team.
Our Community Hub can also provide you wider support or advice, call 01235 422600 or email communitysupport@southandvale.gov.uk
Contact us - Housing needs
01235 422452
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