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Apply for, vary or transfer a gambling premises licence

You will need a gambling premises licence if you want to run any of the following types of gambling business:

For gaming permits and gaming machines at licensed premises and clubs, please see our page on gaming permits and gaming machines.

For details on how we use data relating to licence holders and applicants, please see our privacy notice for licence holders and applicants.

How to make an application

To apply for a gambling premises licence, you must be:

  • 18 years old or over
  • authorised to make a gambling application for the premises

Before you apply for a premises licence, please read our Statement of Gambling Principles and review the information on operating licences from the Gambling Commission. You should also review our Local Area Profile and take note of the mandatory and default conditions that would be attached to any licence granted.

Depending on what you want to do, you will need to complete one of the following:

There are other application forms available on request for vessels.

When completing the form, you may wish to consider using conditions from our pool of model conditions.

Once completed, send your form to us at the below address with:

  • a plan of the premises
  • the fee – see our gambling premises licence fees
  • a completed risk assessment for your premises based on the nature of your business and the Local Area Profileapplications for new licences, provisional statements and variations only

Important – on the day you submit your documents you must also:

What happens next

People will have 28 days to comment on your application. If we don’t receive any comments, we will grant your licence.

If we do receive comments, our Licensing Panel will need to look at your application within 20 working days. The Licensing Panel will either grant your licence, grant it with some extra conditions, or refuse it.

Contact us - Licensing

01235 422556
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE