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UK General Election – 4 July 2024

Below are the results for the Henley and Thame and Didcot and Wantage constituencies in the UK General Election on Thursday 4 July 2024..

Here are the results of the Henley and Thame constituency:

Name of candidateDescription (if any)Number of votes
CARPIN DavidIndependent 306
MANLEY-BROWNE NandaLabour Party 3,574
NEWTON Caroline AnneThe Conservative Party Candidate 17,637
POMLETT MaryseSocial Democratic Party 515
ROBB JoThe Green Party 2,008
SHIELDS PeterReform UK 5,213
VAN MIERLO FreddieLiberal Democrats 23,904 (elected)

Turnout: 72.32% – for more information, please see the Declaration of Result of Poll for Henley and Thame.

Here are the results of the Didcot and Wantage constituency:

Name of candidateDescription (if any)Number of votes
BEATTY SteveReform UK 6,400
CASEY-RERHAYE SamThe Green Party 2,693
GLOVER OllyLiberal Democrat 21,793 (elected)
JOHNSTON David MervynThe Conservative Party Candidate 15,560
KHAN MockyLabour Party 8,045
POMLETT KynSocial Democratic Party 242

Turnout: 68.12% – for more information, please see the Declaration of Result of Poll for Didcot and Wantage.

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