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Headstones and memorials

If you want to erect a headstone or memorial, you will need to ask us for permission before you put it in place.  You will need to use a registered stone mason to design and erect any headstone.

You can find a registered stone mason here.

There are restrictions on the size of the headstone, memorials and kerb sets:

Headstone – The dimensions must be no more than 900mm height x 600mm width x 150mm depth.

Memorials – Cremation plot – these should measure no more 600mm width x 600mm height x 230mm depth.

Child’s grave – these must not exceed the grave space being 400mm wide and 900mm long.

Please contact a member of the Parks team if you need any further information.

Contact us - Parks

01235 422404
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)