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Grass cutting

We are responsible for cutting grass on some – but not all – public land in the district. Housing associations, town and parish councils and Oxfordshire County Council also carry out grass cutting on land they own or manage, including public roads. 

It’s important for us to keep grass short in areas where people exercise or relax to ensure these areas are suitable and safe for public use. We mow these areas around 15 times a year. Other urban areas which have less formal use, but still need maintaining are mowed eight times a year.

However, some areas are now being mowed a lot less…

We support the national ‘No Mow May’ campaign organised by conservation charity,  Plantlife. It aims to encourage people to mow less during May to help enhance biodiversity.

In May 2022 we trialled letting the grass grow on sections of land we own on the Ladygrove estate in Didcot and at Radnor Road in Wallingford, with one or two cuts at the beginning and end of the growing season. This allowed wild plants and flowers to grow, which was good news for insect life, particularly pollinators such as bees and birds. In 2023 we extended the trial further with our Let It Bee project which included more sites across the district.

In 2024

And in 2024 we have added new sites to our meadow areas following recommendations from residents, council members and parish councils.

These have been carefully managed and monitored with the aim of increasing wildlife, as well allowing the existing plants to thrive by not being cut so often. This should make the plants and soil better able to withstand periods of extreme weather.

Where are our meadow areas?

We have chosen locations which do not impact on pedestrians or sightlines for drivers and are also near shorter grass areas and pathways for people wishing to exercise, play or relax.    

There will be signs at the sites denoting the areas, but you can see where they are by downloading the maps below:

New for 2024

Please note on the maps where there is green and yellow shading:

The green area is land we maintain.

The yellow area is the ‘Meadow Area’ land.

Our wildflower meadows

We have five designated areas in South Oxfordshire that are are wildflower meadows where we sow flower seeds and only cut the grass three times during the year – at the beginning and end of the growing season in around March and October, plus a cut and rake up in September once the wildflowers have set seed. 

Our other wildlife areas

At Riverside MeadowsWallingford Castle Meadows and Mowbray Fields Nature Reserve we have been working to restore and create new habitats for wildlife. These sites are owned by us and managed in partnership by the Earth Trust. Across the sites we are restoring species rich hay meadows, have planted new areas of woodland, restored wetlands, and encouraged many species including bats, otters, birds and orchids. 

More questions answered about our wildlife meadows on our FAQs page.

How can I get involved?

If you have a garden, you can do your bit for the environment also.  The RSPB says: “Mowing your lawn less… makes a big difference to the wildlife in your garden. Create a mini jungle for beetles and other small creatures to wander and where sparrows and goldfinches can come to feed on the seeds. The grasses will set seed, wildflowers can bloom and provide nectar, and the longer stems will create a sheltered microclimate

Tips for homeowners with lawns

Information for town and parish councils and other organisations wishing to enhance biodiversity on their land by managing it and mowing less. See Plantlife resources for communities page

Contact us - Parks

01235 422404
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