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Review of the Henley Conservation Area

This review has now concluded and the conservation area appraisal document and revised boundary has been adopted. You can find the cabinet report which summarises the consultation responses and the resulting changes to the draft appraisal here. The final document is available on our conservation areas page.

The town’s conservation area is the designated area of special architectural or historic interest which exists to protect the features and characteristics that make Henley a historic, unique and distinctive place.

Property and land in the conservation area is covered by extra planning controls which help to protect the setting and provide a guard against inappropriate work. Most demolition works will require planning permission, there are restrictions on permitted development and advertising; and trees are also better protected.

Why have we reviewed the conservation area?

It is a requirement that all councils coordinate and publish appraisals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas and that these proposals are reviewed from time to time.

We last reviewed the Henley Conservation Area in 2004. As part of their recently reviewed neighbourhood plan, Henley Town Council commissioned Purcell, a consultant, to prepare this latest conservation area appraisal document. We have a statutory duty to consult the public on this new document before it is adopted.

Contact us - Planning

01235 422600
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South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE