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Land Charges information on highways adoptions and land ownership.

We hold a copy of the Highway Record Map showing highways that are adopted and maintained at the public expense, and the Definitive Map showing public rights of way on behalf of Oxfordshire County Council in order to answer Local Searches.

Detailed questions should be referred to Oxfordshire county council who are the Statutory Highway Authority:

For Highway Searches

Highway Records Oxfordshire County CouncilNew RdOxford,OX1 1NDDX 4310 OXFORDTeam Tel: 01865

For Public Rights of Way and Commonland 

Oxfordshire County CouncilDefinitive Map and CommonsSpeedwell HouseSpeedwell StreetOxfordOX1 1NE Phone : 01865 810808Email:

Land Ownership

The Land Charges team does not hold any details on land ownership or boundary responsibilities.

If you believe that land is owned by this council then please contact the council’s strategic property team via  If you wish to establish ownership of land and the site you are interested in is not shown as being council owned, then we would suggest you contact the Land Registry on 01452 511111 or at the address below

H.M. Land Registry
Twyver House
Bruton Way

Contact us - Land charges

01235 422581
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE