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Advice Note on Policy DES10: Carbon Reduction

This advice note has been produced to provide guidance on the application of Policy DES10: Carbon Reduction from the adopted South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2035. It includes information on the policy requirements; how the requirements should be met; what type of applications the requirements apply to; and when and how to demonstrate compliance.

There has been a four-month transition period from the adoption of the Plan in December 2020 until 1st April 2021 whereby the requirements set out in Policy DES10 could be required by condition for those applications already under consideration. This transition period was implemented to give applicants and officers adequate time to familiarise themselves with the new requirements and allow developments already well advanced in their design and the application process time to comply with the policy. However, from 1st April 2021 the requirements of Policy DES10 must be strictly adhered to and met prior to planning permission being granted unless a condition is applied to an Outline application allowing for an Energy Statement to be submitted at Reserved Matters stage.

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01235 422600
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South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE