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Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan

The Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan was made (adopted) as part of the district council’s development plan on 20 May 2021.

What’s happening now?

Wallingford Town Council is working on a neighbourhood plan review which has recently been submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council.

We are carrying out a consultation on the submitted neighbourhood plan review and supporting documents which runs from Thursday, 13 June to Thursday, 25 July 2024.

You can view the neighbourhood plan review and supporting documents below:

Paper copies of the plan are available to view at Wallingford Library, 51 High Street, Wallingford OX10 0DB. The opening times can be found here.

The documents can also be viewed by appointment at the district council’s office at Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE on Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm and Friday 8.30am – 4pm. Please email or call us to make an appointment.

The consultation documents can also be made available to view in an alternative format (for example large print, braille, audio, email, Easy Read and alternative languages) on request.

Please contact us on 01235 422600 or email

if you need help accessing the consultation materials or have any queries about this consultation.

If you know anyone you think would be interested in this consultation who does not have access to the internet, we would appreciate your help in telling them about it. Please ask them to get in touch with us via our contact details provided above.

How to comment

The quickest and easiest way to join the conversation is to use our online comment form.

Comments can also be made by:

  • emailing
  • writing to Planning Policy, South Oxfordshire District Council and post to ‘Freepost SOUTH AND VALE CONSULTATIONS’ (no other address information or stamp is needed)
  • completing a paper comment form (available on request) and posting or emailing it back to us

Next steps

After the publicity period ends, your comments, name, email (if applicable) and postal address will be sent to an independent examiner to consider. The opportunity for further comments at this stage would only be at the specific request of the examiner.  

Most neighbourhood plans are examined without the need for a public hearing. If you think the neighbourhood plan requires a public hearing, you can state this in your comments, but the examiner will make the final decision.

Please clearly state in your comments if you wish to be notified of our decision on whether we formally adopt the neighbourhood plan.

All personal data will be held securely by the council and examiner in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. Comments submitted by individuals will be published on our website alongside their name. No other contact details will be published. Comments submitted by businesses or organisations will be published in full, including contact details. Further information on how we store personal data is provided in our privacy statement.

Supporting documents:

Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan 2021

Take a look at the made Wallingford Neighbourhood Plan, final Decision Statement, and SEA Adoption Statement. You can also view the Modification Statement detailing changes made to the plan.

Supporting documents:

If you want to get involved, please contact the Town Council.

More information on the process is available on our Neighbourhood Planning Resources page.

If you would like to discuss neighbourhood planning with a member of the team, please contact us.