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Make a planning application now

Planning Applications

If you haven’t already done so, check to see if you need planning permission here.

If you do need permission, before you make your application, make sure you’ve got everything you need – find your checklist here.

Once you’ve got everything you need, head to the Planning Portal to make your planning application online – this is the quickest way to get your application registered.

The following planning consents can be applied for online using the above link:

  • Householder planning consent
  • Full planning consent
  • Outline planning consent
  • Reserved Matters
  • Listed building consent
  • Advertisement consent
  • Lawful Development Certificates
  • Prior Approval
  • Removal/variation of conditions
  • Approval (Discharge) of conditions
  • Non-material amendment of an existing planning permission

You are currently unable to make ‘hybrid’ applications, applications for permission in principle, applications for a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to a listed building or planning applications for development relating to onshore extraction of oil and gas online. The relevant forms can be downloaded here.

Make sure any attachments are in PDF and are no bigger than 5MB.

For information on our process and timeframes, see how your application is decided.

Non-Major planning applications – Non-material amendments

If after getting planning permission, you want to make a small change to your application you can do this as a non-material amendment, but this only applies to planning permissions and not listed building or prior approvals.

Any significant change would need to be dealt with by the submission of a new planning application.

We cannot accept amendments if:

  • the application site area differs from the original application
  • the application description differs from the original application
  • there are any relevant objections to the original proposal which would be compromised by the minor amendment
  • the amendment increases the size of any part of the development
  • the amendment locates any part of the development closer to a neighbour
  • the amendment changes windows in any elevation facing a neighbour which increases overlooking in any way
  • the amendment would move the position of the development in any direction
  • the amendment would result in a greater visual intrusion to neighbours
  • the amendment would result in changes to the external details that would materially alter the appearance of the building
  • we consider that any nearby neighbouring occupiers would reasonably wish to be aware of or comment on the change

Approval (Discharge) of conditions

When granting planning, listed building or advertisement consent applications, we may attach conditions. The reasons for imposing these may be to enhance the quality of or mitigate the adverse effects of the development.

Some conditions require agreement of details with the council before;

  • the start of development
  • before development above ground or slab level
  • before first occupation.

Please read through your decision notice carefully and in full before you begin any work. 

If a condition of your planning permission requires you to submit and agree details with us, this will require you to make a formal submission to the council, you can do this through this link

You can submit details for all the conditions on a single application, or you can make separate applications for individual or any combination of conditions.

A fee is payable for each application request made (a single request may be for more than one condition to be agreed).

Fees for approval of details reserved by conditions are set out below:

  • £43 for each request relating to enlargement, improvement, or other alteration of existing dwelling/house and including sheds, gates, fences and walls
  • £145 for each request which fall within any other category of development
  • £0 for conditions relating to a listed building consent

We will reach a decision based on the information you submit. If the information submitted is not agreeable or is lacking content or detail, the application will be refused and you will need to make another application and a further fee will be applicable.  You will not be able to amend the application. 

If your application covers a number of conditions and the details for some of these are acceptable we can issue a ‘split decision’ setting out which details have been agreed and which ones have been rejected.

Contact us - Planning

01235 422600
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE