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Waste policies

Our wheelie bin policy

Download our wheelie bin policy here to find out about our different bin collections, exemptions from these services (including when we provide sacks instead of wheeled bins), assisted collections, additional capacity and more.

Biffa policies

Download the Biffa plastic policy and statement regarding plastic exports to read more about Biffa’s stance on recycling plastics nationally and overseas.

Waste business continuity plan

Download our waste business continuity plan to read about how extreme weather conditions my affect your bin collections. This includes excessive heat in the summer and snow in the winter.

Planning applications

Download our planning policy to find out how planning applications have to take waste vehicles into consideration when designing bin stores and access.

CCTV policy

Download our CCTV policy to find out about how CCTV is used in our waste collections and on our waste collection vehicles.

Waste strategy

Download our waste strategy to find out how Oxfordshire as a whole will manage waste up until 2030.

Waste collections commitment

Download the waste collections commitment to find out how we, along with all other local authorities follow key principles when collecting household waste.

Our privacy policy

South Oxfordshire District Council understands the importance of ensuring that personal data, including sensitive personal data, is always treated lawfully and appropriately and that the rights of individuals are upheld. 

We are required to collect, use and hold personal data about individuals to fulfil our statutory obligations, delivering services and meeting the needs of individuals that we deal with. This includes current, past and prospective employees, service users, members of the public, councillors, our contractors and partners and other local authorities or public bodies.  Some personal data will appear on file records, which by law we are required to keep and make publicly available.

For more information on how to access personal data and how we use it please visit our personal data page.

Contact us - Waste and recycling

01235 422406
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

The Waste Team
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE