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Taxi licensing policy

If you are a licence holder or thinking about applying for a licence, you need to ensure that you are familiar with our Joint Taxi Licensing Policy.

Review of the policy

Following a public consultation carried out in 2021, our General Licensing Committee approved a new version of our Joint Taxi Licensing Policy at their meeting on 24 June 2021. As part of the policy, the committee decided to introduce a tariff for hackney carriages, which was set by the Cabinet on 29 September 2022. You can read more information about the tariff.

What the policy consultation was about

The consultation ran from 10 February to 24 March 2021 and asked people what they thought about the proposed changes to our Joint Taxi Licensing Policy. It was available for public comment and was also sent to licence holders, all local authorities in Oxfordshire and neighbouring local authorities, and all those registered on the council’s corporate consultation database (including residents, businesses and organisations).

We are very grateful to all those who took the time to respond to the consultation and provide their comments on the proposed changes. All of the comments made have been taken into consideration when creating the final version of the policy.

You can read the report on the consultation and the appendix to the consultation report. You can also review the details of the committee meeting including the full agenda report pack.

You can find full details of the consultation proposals and more information below:

Contact us - Licensing

01235 422556
(Text phone users add 18001 before dialing)

South Oxfordshire District Council
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE